As you educate yourself on the sustainable textile market,
there are more than a few types of cotton to chose from……..
- Organic Cotton
- Fair Trade Cotton
- Fair Trade Organic Cotton
- Colored Cotton-Organic
- Recycled Cotton
- Conventional Cotton: NON-GM
- Conventional Cotton: Genetically Modified-Roundup Ready (RR) and or BT
Sustainable Cotton; (A hotly debated and officially undefined term) does include agricultural practices such
as Biodyanimic, IPM
(BMP-the debate here is if conventional cotton should be included in
Better Management Practices-if indeed the conventional cotton industry
is practicing BMP), also considered 'Sustainable' is the Sustainable Cotton Project and the Better Cotton Initiative BCI.
Not be left out this category, I would include:Cotton in Tranistion or In Conversion-There is a 3 year period under the NOP Standard, and a 2 year period under the EEC 2092/2091. Cotton in transition, transitional cotton or cotton in conversion, is cotton being grown on land in the transitional period according to the above organic standards at this time in the US a declaration of "in-conversion" is not allowed under the NOP Standard. In the EU it is acceptable to use the term "in conversion."
Read here how Wal-Mart is supporting Farmers during the Transition to Organic growing phase.
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