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Coral Rose is a widely recognized agent of change, strategist, eco-educator, and speaker on the subject of sustainable textiles and the practical application of sustainability to business. For over twenty years, she has held senior management positions in merchandising and product development, including sustainable textile product development for major retail corporations.

In 2004, Rose was able to integrate her values into her profession. She and a co-worker led the Wal-Mart Sustainable Fibers and Organic Cotton Environmental Sustainability Team, which was committed to bringing sustainable fibers to the everyday consumer. The company soon became the world’s largest user of organic cotton, and ultimately, that team was the catalyst for global change.

Coral's role in moving the retail giant toward sustainability has been widely documented, initially in Fortune Magazine’s July 2006 feature “The Green Machine” and more recently in “Strategies for the Green Economy” a book by Joel Makower and "Climb the Green Ladder" Make your company and your career more sustainable by Amy Fetzer and Shari Aaron.

She has been a featured speaker and panelist at events such as the MAGIC International Textile Show, The ECO-SHOW, All Things Organic (ATO), and Texworld-New York. Coral is a guest columnist for Ecotextile News, Sustainable Life Media and GreenBiz.

Coral created and led the first ”Sustainability Leadership“ Executive Education/MBA Course for the University of Arkansas. She is former member of the University of Delaware Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies Advisory Board.

The Sustainable Action Leadership~ blog is read in over 50 countries, by students, manufactures, wholesalers and retailers. The blog is also utilized as an intranet resource by Corporations and Academic institutions.

A partial list of clients have included Adidas AG-Corporate, Champion Athletic Apparel, Karen Neuberger, Lenzing Fibers, The Organic Exchange The Organic Trade Association and the University of Arkansas.

"Coral Rose’s commitment to eco-leadership, strategy, and action, has made her one of the leading thinker-practitioners on sustainable textiles, a vital chain in the global economy. Her work with business has supported a mindset shift from “business as usual” to eco-strategic thinking across the global apparel industry. Her workshops are thought provoking, inspiring and practical.” Andrew Winston, author “Green Recovery” and co-author “Green to Gold”

“Coral is a visionary whose commitment and passion have helped to move markets. Her vision for the greening of mainstream business -- and the bold actions she has taken -- put her at the forefront of this movement. She understands the challenges and opportunities for creating sustainable products -- and the business models they need to succeed.” Joel Makower, Author “Strategies for the Green Economy”, Chairman/Executive Editor, Greener World Media, Inc.,